This week we’re reading a variety of topics. Check out articles about how to create a customer experience program, improving your back-to-school eCommerce approach, and why manufacturers should sell directly on their sites.
Customer Experience Program
4 Ways to Lay the Groundwork for a CX Program
91% of unhappy customers refuse to give your brand another chance. So, learn how to create or evolve a closed-loop program to deal with customer complaints. This is an important part of the overall customer experience.
Back-to-School and eCommerce
Picturing a More Dynamic Approach to Digital Back-to-School Sales
eMarketer expects to see a jump in digital sales this year. Learn how to craft the perfect eCommerce experience for shoppers next year.
B2B Online Sites
Why Would a Brand’s Website Not Sell Any Products?
Most manufacturers realize that a digital platform is a great way to promote brands and engage a consumer, but many are missing out on capturing sales and selling directly. See why they should reconsider.
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